Co-ops are run by members, for members.
A housing co-operative (or housing co-op) is a community of people who work together to meet their housing needs.
Co-op members share activities in the management and running of their co-op, with opportunities for all members to participate in the co-op, according to their capacity and ability.
What is a co-operative?
A co-operative is a democratic organisation, controlled by its members with the goal to bring common benefit for its members.
Co-operatives are part of world-wide network that covers many sectors of the economy including banking, health care, farming, car and sporting clubs, housing and much more. Read more about the International Co-operative Alliance
What is a housing co-operative?
A housing co-operative (housing co-op) is a community of people who voluntarily work together to meet their common need for affordable and sustainable housing. Members live in separate dwellings but actively participate in the management of the housing co-op as a whole, and enjoy the many benefits this type of housing offers.
What are the benefits of housing co-ops?
Housing co-ops are intentional and vibrant communities made up of like-minded people actively working together, selecting new members, making local decisions, maintaining properties, learning new skills, and contributing to their community. All members actively contribute and benefit through security of tenure, local decision making and control and self-management of their housing co-op.
Common Equity works in partnership with member organisations to deliver an effective, sustainable community housing model that empowers people and builds strong communities. Common Equity holds the properties’ titles with agreements with the SA Housing Authority, and regulatory responsibility with the Office of Housing Regulation.
What is Common Equity’s role?
Common Equity’s role is to support and enable housing co-ops to flourish in South Australia by providing members with:
- administrative, finance, asset and tenancy management services
- regulatory compliance and risk management controls, monitoring and reporting
- advocacy, education and participation strategies and skills
Common Equity member organisations influence the future of the Common Equity Housing Program by:
- participating in co-op decisions by taking part in meetings
- supporting the development of knowledge and skills required to be an active member of their co-op
- managing the tenancies and maintenance of their housing
- electing four co-op members to be representatives on the Common Equity Board
- providing input into policies for member development and support activities