Read through the steps 1-5 to understand the whole process of applying and being housed within a housing co-op.

Step 1: Be sure
Make sure co-op housing is for you
Co-op housing is a long-term housing option that requires ongoing commitment as a co-op member, as well as the standard requirements of a tenant.
You are encouraged to read the information provided on this website to help you decide if co-op housing is the right option for you, before completing a Registration of Interest In Housing Form for co-op housing with Common Equity. The Registration of Interest In Housing Form is the same form used for Housing SA properties, General Community Housing, Aboriginal Housing and Co-op Housing, so it is important to make your interest in Co-op Housing clear by completing page 9 and 10.
When co-ops have a vacancy, they will view the Single Housing Register, make a shortlist of suitable applicants who have expressed their interest in co-op housing, and then interview them, with the aim to find new members who:
- will play an active role in the
running of the co-op - are good tenants and neighbours
- best meet the selection criteria
set by the co-op
Opportunities for membership may take up to several years and the housing co-ops within Common Equity typically have an overall total between them of 10 to 15 vacancies per year.
Step 2: Read and understand the information provided on this website
We encourage you to read the information provided on this website, particularly the following sections:
This should help you decide if co-op housing is the right option for you.
Step 3: Complete a registration of interest form
The steps are:
- Identify the housing co-op you think is right for you – see our list of Member Organisations. Make sure they have properties in the areas you are seeking
- Complete the Registration of Interest In Housing Form and remember to:
- provide details of every person who will be housed with you
- provide information about each household member’s income and assets
- identify the areas where you wish to live
- select Cooperative Housing by completing page 9 and 10
- provide background information that will assist the housing co-op to identify what qualities you could bring to their organisation – see PART E Skills and courses
- take some time in answering all of the questions
- Finalise the Registration Of Interest In Housing Form and along with your proof of income and identity either email, post or drop into Common Equity. See our contact details
- It is important your Registration of Interest is kept updated and current SA.GOV.AU – Register for housing (
Step 4: Tenancy selection
The housing co-op with a vacancy will access the SA Housing Authority’s Single Housing Register and search to shortlist suitable applicants who have completed the Registration of Interest form. Once a shortlist is completed the next steps for the co-op are to:
- contact all applicants
on the shortlist to gauge interest in the available property, and to ask
specific questions related to the housing co-op’s purpose, willingness to
participate, and the skills that you can offer - interview chosen final
applicants, and to provide relevant background information about the housing
co-op, conditions of tenancy and rent, and the membership process, before
making a housing offer - Select a potential
tenant and future member according to co-op policy and procedure, based on set
Common Equity will:
- verify the applicant’s
proof of income and confirm that eligibility criteria are met - calculate the estimated
rent and bond for the property, notify the applicant in writing of these
calculations, and make a formal housing offer on behalf of the co-op - finalise an initial
fixed term lease and bond details, and provide all relevant tenancy information
Step 5: Become a co-op member
Becoming a member of a co-op is not automatic, nor guaranteed. Besides your tenancy agreement obligations, each housing co-operative will have its own policies, procedures, expectations and commitment requirements, as part of their member induction process, that you will need to meet, before being accepted as a member.
However, existing members of your housing co-op will welcome, support and guide you as you learn the skills required to be an active member of your co-op.
Co-ops are committed to providing appropriate education and resources, and you will be able to participate in the activities of the co-op, and to access Common Equity’s additional resources and training.
Do you believe that co-op housing is the right option for you?
Print and complete the form.