Purpose of co-operative
The members of PERCH believe that everyone has a right to affordable and secure shelter. We aim to provide security of tenure for people on a low income, and to give our members the feeling of home ownership in the properties they are tenanting. In return all members participate in the running of the Co-operative and have the opportunity to develop new skills and meet new people.
Location of properties
- North Eastern Suburbs of Adelaide
Number of properties | 11 |
Number of tenants | 11 |
Brief history of co-operative
PERCH began in 1989 as Eastern Suburbs Housing Association (ESHA), but after several years due government requirements, and growth of members and property locations, the name was changed to People Run Co-operative Housing (PERCH). PERCH members are from all ages and backgrounds, with varying skills and knowledge. A requirement of being a member of PERCH is that everyone must participate in the running of the co-operative.
- PERCH was one of the first co-operatives formed and is still running effectively
- PERCH was instrumental in developing by-laws and these were used by other co-operatives
- PERCH is a proactive co-operative
- PERCH has installed solar panels on some of the properties
- All PERCH houses have heating and cooling
Benefits of being a member of Common Equity
Common Equity provides PERCH with security in being part of a larger organisation made up of other co-operatives. Common Equity is quite transparent in their operation making the Board Meeting minutes available to all and having 4 Member Directors on the Board. Being a member of Common Equity means we can maintain operating as PERCH, controlling who we house and managing our properties. Equity manages our finances including rents, insurance, rates and auditing. By being a member of Common Equity, registering under the NRS is not required. Common Equity maintains our required compliances with government agencies, including ACNC and SAHA. When we have any difficulties with issues, including maintenance, membership, finance or tenancy, Common Equity is available to go to for advice. We have found the ability to network with the other Common Equity co-operatives very useful and enjoyable.
Benefits of being in a co-operative
- Security of tenure
- Affordable housing
- Having a say in your housing
- Having the ability to make improvements (with approval from Common Equity and PERCH)
- Learning new skills
- Developing new friendships